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Healthy Diet, Healthy Teeth
Written by Surrey Dental Hygiene Clinic

Healthy Diet, Healthy Teeth


Healthy teeth are unfortunately not automatically beautiful. The tooth color is discolored in part a matter of disposition, in part a diet (tea , coffee and red wine).

Eat properly for beautiful and healthy teeth:

A bunch of celery : Needs a lot of bite force – and if teeth have to do much saliva is produced, blood gums better. are also similarly effective apples or whole grain bread .

A cup strawberries: Bleaches the teeth. The White Smile Diet “to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry also recommends raw kohlrabi and carrots. On the Go – no – no list blueberries are .

A package of chewing gum : more results in chewing saliva, which flushes bacteria and food particles away . Help after eating, if you do not have a toothbrush handy. One should look for the symbol of the “tooth man ” on the package.

Gouda and cream cheese : The fat in the cheese does not like a protective film on the teeth, tooth decay bacteria like that.

Yogurt: Yogurt bacteria displace unwanted organisms from the oral cavity. That is, if it is sugar-free natural yoghurt. Yogurt and milk to neutralize the effect of acidic juices.

Black or green tea: The tannins in it are attacking rot bacteria in the mouth and make them harmless. However, tea also provides discoloration. Alternative: water that takes bacteria from the mouth with you.

A plaque tooth chocolate: So that the cravings for sweets is not at the expense of the teeth. In addition to chocolate , there are also dental health candies , cookies and iced tea.